Congratulate. Celebrate. Connect.
Congratulating lucky mamas. Celebrating babies with Down syndrome. Connecting with community and resources.
The Lucky Mama Project exists to give hope to new moms in Indiana who have a baby with Trisomy 21. We do this by congratulating lucky mamas, celebrating babies with Down syndrome, and connecting parents with community and resources. We offer prenatal bags that include an inspirational book and gift for mom. When the baby arrives, we can send a Celebration bag full of gifts for both mom & baby. Both can be requested here by new moms, family, friends, or health care providers.
Congratulations. It’s going to be okay. Welcome to the lucky few.
In March of 2020, The Lucky Mama Project was featured on Today.com. This video highlights my experience of having a baby born with Down syndrome and gives a glimpse of what The Lucky Mama Project is all about…
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The Ultimate Plot Twist
Fellow lucky mama Jen Barger has created a podcast that provides a space for families to share their stories of when life handed them the unexpected. Learn more about Jen’s podcast here, and listen to her interview with Heather Gregg, lucky mama to Ivy and founder of The Lucky Mama Project.